Free & Reduced Lunch Applications

District 155 participates in the National School Lunch Program. Students may qualify for free or reduced price meals based on Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.

Applications should be completed and returned before registering your student for school. If you have a Medicaid, SNAP, or TANF number you should receive a letter in the mail regarding your direct certification of lunch benefits and approval for waiver of fees. If you have any questions regarding the direct certification process or about the forms, please call the Student Services Office. If you do not receive a direct certification letter and would like to apply for fee waivers, forms will be available on the school’s website in July. Please complete this process by July 31.

National School Lunch Program Application - English

National School Lunch Program Application - Spanish

Please note: This page contains links to documents that are in Adobe's PDF format.  If you have accessibility needs that make it difficult for you to access and / or interpret information in PDF format, please call 815-455-8500 or email, and we will be happy to assist you. 

Contact Us

Cary-Grove High School
Susan Schwartz
Food Service Manager
Phone: (847) 639-3825 ext. 4146

Crystal Lake Central High School
Audrey Nelson
Food Service Manager
Phone: (815) 459-2505 ext. 2257

Crystal Lake South High School
Wendy Sliwa
Food Service Manager
Phone: (815) 455-3860 ext. 3258

Prairie Ridge High School
Jennifer Austin
Food Service Manager
Phone: (815) 479-0404 ext. 5147