
Athletic Fees

All Fall sports begin Monday, August 12, 2024

Student athletic participation fees for 2024-2025 are $100 per sport, with a student maximum of $200 per student, and a family maximum of $400 per household.*

Athletic fees will be due after rosters have been finalized. The athletic fee will be posted in Skyward Family Access. Athletic fee payments can be completed through Skyward Family Access. After logging in, go to “Fee Management” to pay the fees associated with your student. Discover, Visa, and MasterCard are accepted for online payment. Athletic fees can be paid in person at school in the front office. Checks are payable to Community High School District 155.  The final dates to pay athletic fees are as follows:

Fall Season -  September 4

Winter Season - November 22

Spring - March 18


The athletic participation fee(s) will be waived for students who have applied and qualified for fee waivers.

Fee waiver Application-English

Fee Waiver Application-Spanish

District 155 has a no refund policy after the first IHSA event/contest. Athletes who quit their sport prior to the first IHSA event/contest will be eligible for a full refund, but must meet the following conditions:

  • Notify the coach and athletic office (Athlete should notify coach and athletic office via email)
  • Must be cleared of all uniform/equipment rentals by coach