
District 155 will implement an E-Learning platform utilizing both Canvas and Google Classroom for the 5 days (March 16 - March 20) leading into spring break. We will continue to monitor the outbreak and make a decision about resuming classes or extending E-Learning days by Friday, March 27.

As we seek to collaborate with students and parents via the internet during this period, we will rely much more heavily upon Google Hangouts.  Hangouts is a collaboration tool that allows people to connect via tele conference calls, instant messaging, video conference calls, and computer screen sharing.

One Hangouts feature that may be particularly helpful in the coming weeks is the ability to quickly schedule and conduct conference calls with parents, or colleagues. 

For more information on how to quickly set up a tele conference or video conference with via Google Hangouts, click here. 

Teachers and students who are using Canvas and Google Classroom will also want to use Hangouts to facilitate online collaboration. 

For more information on how to utilize Hangouts with Canvas or Google Classroom click here.

Matt Timmerman
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1012
Email: mtimmerman@d155.org

Rachel Keesey
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services & Special Education
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1011
Email: rkeesey@d155.org

Lori Ratliff
Director of Teaching & Learning, Curriculum & Pathways
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1043
Email: lratliff@d155.org

Lori Hausherr
Application and Services Coordinator-Skyward
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1027
Email: lhausherr@d155.org

  • Skyward assistance 
  • Email, new-user set-up/password change

Administrative Assistant- Educational Services
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1012

  • Educational Services support
  • Intra-district transfer procedures