Dual Credit Courses

Dual credit courses provide students the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit while taking the course.  Courses are aligned with college curriculum but are taught by D155 instructors in our high schools.  Credits earned are typically transferrable to any college, not just the awarding university.  Currently, we have dual credit partnerships with both McHenry County College and the University of Illinois. Students are responsible for any tuition or fees associated with the dual credit course by the college or university. As all dual credit courses are aligned to college curriculum, they will earn AP®/Dual Credit level weighting. 

The grading scale at MCC is different than CHSD 155. MCC does not award letter grades with pluses or minuses which is different than the grading system in CHSD 155. For instance, a B+ earned in CHSD 155 is a B at MCC.  As a result, it is possible that the grades reported on the MCC and CHSD 155 report cards and transcripts vary. For more information on dual credit courses and our partnership with McHenry County College, please click here or see below for our frequently asked questions.



D155 Course Title MCC Course Title

MCC Credits

DC Spanish III

Elementary Spanish                   (SPA 151/SPA 152)


DC Spanish IV

Intermediate Spanish         (SPA 251/SPA 252)

DC Adv Spanish Conversation & Composition Adv Conv & Composition I &II (SPA 271/SPA272) 6

DC French III

Elementary French              (FRE 151/FRE 152) 8
DC French IV Elementary French                     (FRE 151/FRE 152) 8

DC German III

Elementary German            (GER 151/GER 152) 8
DC German IV Intermediate German                (GER 151/GER 152) 8

DC Speech

Intro to Speech                    (SPE 151)

DC Advanced Mobile Apps Programming for iOS I & II (MAD 107/MAD 157) 6
DC U.S. History U.S. History I & II                    (HIS 170/HIS 172) 6
DC Art Appreciation Art Appreciation                  (ART 151) 3
DC Art History I Art History I                          (ART 171) 3
DC Art History II Art History II                         (ART 172) 3
DC Composition I Composition I                      (ENG 151) 3
DC Composition II Composition II                    (ENG 152) 3
DC Statistics General Education Statistics (MAT 120) 3
DC Applied Calculus Calculus for Bus/Soc Science (MAT 171) 4
DC Psychology Intro to Psychology             (PSY 151) 3

DC Auto II

Principles of Automotive Technology (AMT 100) 4

DC Culinary Arts II Commercial

Sanitation and Safety        (CLM 105)

DC Advanced Culinary Commercial Intro to Professional Hospitality (CLM 100) 3
DC Marketing Principles of Marketing     (MKT 110) 3
DC Music Appreciation Music Appreciation            (MUS 151) 3
DC Computer Business Applications I Computer Literacy for Windows (CDM 110) 3
DC Metals II Introduction to Manual Machining (IMT 100) 3
DC Metals III Intro to Manual Machining (IMT 105) 3
DC Business Incubator Intro to Entrepreneurship (BUS 160) 3

DC Virtual Enterprises International

Intro to Entrepreneurship (BUS 160) 3
DC Intro to Education Introduction to Education (EDU 251) 3

DC Personal

Physical Fitness (HFE 120) 1
DC Nursing Assistant Basic Nursing Assistant (NAE 100) 7

DC Music Theory

Music Theory 1 (MUS 120), Musicianship 1 (MUS 141), Music Theory 2 (MUS 145), and Musicianship 2 (MUS 146) 10



D155 Course Title

University of Illinois Title U of I Credit
DC Calculus III Calculus III (MATH 241) 4

Contact Us

Lori Ratliff
Director of Teaching & Learning, Curriculum & Pathways
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1043
Email: lratliff@d155.org

Melissa Martin
Administrative Assistant 
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1031
Email: mmartin@d155.org

  • Staff Development - schedules, approvals and budgets
  • Staff Conferences & Travel
  • Course Approvals & Records
  • Student Teacher Placement
  • New Faculty Induction Communication
  • Grant Funded Supplies & Associated Expenses
  • Textbook & Supply Ordering