
Special Education & Related Services

Specialized Educational Services (SPED, 504, ELL)

District 155 places a high priority on providing in-person instruction and related service delivery for students serviced through Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) while being mindful of health and safety precautions during this unprecedented time. Daily case manager and weekly related service contact is paramount for delivery of service. Inquiries regarding your student’s program should be directed to the building special education division leader. 

Students serviced through a Section 504 plan are linked to their school counselor case manager. Accommodations, modifications, and services may require adjustment to vacillate through hybrid, remote, and in-person instructional models. Families are encouraged to contact their student’s building student service coordinator with inquiries.

English Learners (ELs) identified in District 155 receive a myriad of services as determined by their level of need. This may include daily language service, supported resource period(s), and/or self-contained programming. The district has developed levels of support unique to hybrid, remote, or live in-person instruction models. Individual student inquiries should be directed to the building student service coordinator. 

Instructional delivery for specialized programming and individual student plans are considered on a case by case basis to the extent possible.

Related Services Support

District 155 hosts a full bench of related services including: counseling, speech-language, hearing, vision, orientation mobility, occupational therapy, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, and psychiatric consultation. Assignment of services is dependent on individual student evaluation outcomes through the context of a Section 504 or Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Services are delivered via group, individual, or in a blended structure as determined by the student’s educational team. Related service delivery may be presented in a remote, hybrid, or live in-person modality during this unique time. Health and safety are uppermost for all stakeholders. Services provided in a live format keep in consideration social distancing and personal protective equipment (PPE).

*Questions regarding your student(s)' related service delivery should be directed to their related service provider(s).

Special Education Division Leaders

Cary-Grove High School - Dona Taylor -
Crystal Lake Central High School - Lorrie Brandwein -
Crystal Lake South High School - Larry Boberg -
Prairie Ridge High School - Matthew Collins -
Haber Oaks Campus - Julie Duncan - Coordinator of Off Campus Programs -

Student Services Coordinators

Cary-Grove High School - Hank Harvey -
Crystal Lake Central High School - Steve Greiner -
Crystal Lake South High School - Carson Sterchi -
Prairie Ridge High School - Sarah Schwartz -