Distinguished Graduate Requirements

The Distinguished Graduate program is designed to recognize students who have accomplished a well rounded high school experience. 

Distinguished Graduates must meet or exceed specific criteria across five different indicators including community service, extra-curricular involvement, citizenship, school attendance, and various academic standards. Students who successfully complete all Distinguished Graduate criteria will be recognized at their graduation ceremony.

Cumulative GPA 2.8
Attendance 95% Junior & Senior Years
Character * No code of conduct violations
* No out-of-school suspensions
* No in-school suspensions
Community Service 25 Hours
School Sanctioned Activity/Sport 6 seasons of club/activity/sport
Academic Successfully complete at least 1 year-long (or two semester-long) capstone course by the end of senior year


Students will be identified internally and notified of the honor.

D155 reserves the right to accept or deny a Distinguished Graduate distinction based upon special or underlying circumstances on a case-by-case basis

Matt Timmerman
Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1012
Email: mtimmerman@d155.org

Rachel Keesey
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services & Special Education
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1011
Email: rkeesey@d155.org

Lori Ratliff
Director of Teaching & Learning, Curriculum & Pathways
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1043
Email: lratliff@d155.org

Lori Hausherr
Application and Services Coordinator-Skyward
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1027
Email: lhausherr@d155.org

  • Skyward assistance 
  • Email, new-user set-up/password change

Administrative Assistant- Educational Services
Phone: (815) 455-8500 ext. 1012

  • Educational Services support
  • Intra-district transfer procedures