
Board Meeting Information Guidelines

When Items Related to Board Meetings Are Published​​​

​Public Notices  
Public notices for meetings are published at least 48 hours prior to the meeting's scheduled start date and time. The district does not typically post individual notices for regular board meetings. Those notices are published in the form of a board meeting calendar, which can be accessed by clicking  here.  The board meeting calendar is maintained and posted in a way that ensures the public is informed of all regular board meetings at least 48 hours prior to the those meetings' scheduled start dates and times.​

Agendas for meetings are published at least 48 hours prior to the meeting's scheduled start date and time.​

Information Packets

Information packets are published for all regular board meetings and are made available at least 24 hours prior to the meeting's scheduled start date and time.  The packets contain additional information about items covered in open session. (e.g., FOIA responses, Treasurer's reports, approval of bills, etc.) The packets do not contain information that is restricted from being shared with the public per statute.​​


Electronic presentations made in a meeting may be shared in this column. Presentations may also be included within information packets.​

Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes must be approved and are usually posted soon after the next scheduled meeting of the same type (e.g., A link for the minutes of a regular board meeting in January will typically appear after they are approved at the regular board meeting in February.)​